Predicting reproductive phenology of wind-pollinated trees via PlanetScope time series

Yiluan Song, Daniel S.W. Katz, Zhe Zhu, Claudie Beaulieu, Kai Zhu
Manuscript under review


  • PlanetScope-derived vegetative phenology predicts the time of flowering.
  • A novel approach accurately infers city-level pollen phenology.
  • Out-of-sample accuracy shows the promise of the method for extrapolation.
  • PlanetScope can be used to map pollen phenology widely in US cities with fine details.


Airborne pollen triggers allergic reactions which result in public health consequences. A better understanding of flowering and pollen phenology could improve airborne pollen predictions and reduce pollen exposure. Data on the timing of flowering and pollen release are needed to improve models of airborne pollen concentrations, but existing in-situ data collection efforts are expensive and spatially sparse. Satellite-based estimates of plant phenology could potentially enable large-scale data collection, but it is difficult to detect the reproductive phenology of wind-pollinated flowers from space. Here, we infer the reproductive phenology of wind-pollinated plants using PlanetScope time series with a spatial resolution of 3 m and a daily revisit cycle, complemented by in-situ flower and pollen observations, leveraging the correlation between vegetative and reproductive phenology. On the individual tree level, we extracted PlanetScope-derived green-up time and validated its correlation to flowering time using flower observations in a national-scale observatory network. Scaling up to the city level, we developed a novel approach to characterize pollen phenology from PlanetScope-derived vegetative phenology, by optimizing two tuning parameters: the threshold of green-up or green-down and the time lag between green-up/down and flowering. We applied this method to seven cities in the US and seven key wind-pollinated tree genera, calibrated by measurements of airborne pollen concentrations. Our method characterized pollen phenology accurately, not only in-sample (Spearman correlation: 0.751, nRMSE: 13.5%) but also out-of-sample (Spearman correlation: 0.691, nRMSE: 14.5%). Using the calibrated model, we further mapped the pollen phenology landscape within cities, showing intra-urban heterogeneity. Using high spatiotemporal resolution remote sensing, our novel approach enables us to infer the flowering and pollen phenology of wind-pollinated plant taxa on a large scale and a fine resolution, including areas with limited prior in-situ flower and pollen observations. The use of PlanetScope time series therefore holds promise for developing process-based pollen models and targeted public health strategies to mitigate the impact of allergenic pollen exposure.

Extracting phenological signals from PlanetScope

Predicting individual-level flowering phenology


Correlation between 50% green-up time from PlanetScope and flower onset time from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).

Predicting city-level pollen phenology


Comparing city-level pollen phenology derived from PlanetScope and from airborne pollen concentration monitored at the National Allergy Bureau pollen monitoring stations. (a) Pollen phenology inferred from PlanetScope-derived vegetative phenology tuned to the optimal green-up/down thresholds and leaf-flower lags (lines) compared to pollen phenology inferred from airborne pollen concentration (points). (b) Accuracy of inferring pollen phenology with the PlanetScope method, both in-sample and out-of-sample.

Predicting urban allergy landscape


Predicting urban tree allergy landscapes. (a) Distributions of PlanetScope-derived tree-level spring leaf green-up time and peak pollen emission time within cities over all years. (b) Map of PlanetScope-derived peak pollen emission time in Detroit street trees in the spring of 2018.
